GKG Record Exporter

Dataset: Global Knowledge Graph
Description: Aimed at advanced users - searches all GKG records and returns matching GKG records and a list of source URLs.
Components: PERL
More Information: Expediting Extraction and Exporting
The GKG Record Exporter allows you to rapidly export small subsets of data from the GDELT Global Knowledge Graph (GKG) that match your search criteria. You simply specify a set of person or organization names, locations, or Global Knowledge Graph Themes, along with an optional date range, and the system will automatically search the entire Global Knowledge Graph for all matching entries and output the list of matching GKG records and a list of all source articles providing the matching records. While you will still need programming experience to be able to use these exported results further, this tool allows you to rapidly export small subsets of data from the complete massive GKG database. Currently searches will only return the first 200,000 matching results. Your results will be emailed to you when complete, usually within 10 minutes, depending on server load.
Note that this tool is designed ONLY for advanced users who need to export a small subset of records for further processing and analysis. Data is output in the GDELT Global Knowledge Graph file format, which requires advanced PERL, Python, or R scripting skills to work with, so only advanced users will find this tool of use, but it allows you to rapidly subset a small number of records from the complete GKG database. Advanced users can use this tool in concert with the other visualization and analysis tools to retrieve the set of GKG records that were used to generate one of the visualizations (to be able to perform more sophisiticated analyses or visualizations).